Monika Radikė (Aržanauskaitė), MD PhD FRCR

I see heart, lungs and light, among other things

Academic Involvement Of Radiology Trainees

This project, co-led with Dr Federica Vernuccio, has the purpose of looking into the pattern of training in academic radiology at the level of the core curriculum. In 2019,  we ran a large international survey about the academic involvement of radiology trainees with the involvement of several of our colleagues from the  2017 group of RSNA's Introduction to Research for International Young Academics (IRIYA) group.

This work has resulted in a number of conference presentations/posters - some of them scoring high-level awards - and three peer-reviewed journal publications:

Gender discrepancy in research activities during radiology residency

Academia in cardiovascular radiology: are we doing enough for the future of the subspecialty?

Academic Future of Interventional Radiology Subspecialty: Are We Giving Enough Space to Radiology Trainees

In 2020, the Radiological Society of North America featured our experience in an interview published in Radiographics.


Long-term quality improvement in radiology specialty training at a tertiary cardiothoracic centre

Monika Radike, Marousa Ntouskou

Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology, 2024

Academic Future of Interventional Radiology Subspecialty: Are We Giving Enough Space to Radiology Trainees?

Bayarbaatar Bold Anudari Mishig, Tuvshinjargal Dashjamts, Susan Shelmerdine, Joanna Marie Choa-Go, Maria Mercedes Serra, Ashlesha Udare, Monika Radikė, Federica Vernuccio

Medical Science Educator, 2023

Gender discrepancy in research activities during radiology residency

F. Vernuccio, M. Aržanauskaitė, Sevcan Turk, E. Torres, J. M. Choa, A. Udare, D. Haroun, María Mercedes Serra, S. Shelmerdine, Bayarbaatar Bold, J. S. Bae, E. E. Romero, V. Vilgrain

Insights into Imaging, 2019

Academic Involvement of Radiology Trainees With an Interest in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Imaging: International Survey

M. Aržanauskaitė, Estefanía Terrazas, Eduardo R Estades, F. Vernuccio



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